The product is a 3/5 pin socket that acts as an intermediate attachment in between the wall socket & pin socket of an heavy appliance.
The product’s main function is to control and monitor electricity consumed by any appliance. This is done by the product in 2 ways: one way is by communicating with a smart phone via a dedicated app; second way is manually turning the knob (the grey regulator) to desired time or amount of money to be sent on the appliance on session basis.
Salient features:
The device is universal as it can be controlled by both digital & manual mode. This is important as a large number of populations still feel uncomfortable with technology & applications and also a fairy large number of population does not own a Smartphone.
The easy interface also makes it an easy to use/understand.
The colors used are not too bright in order to not to attract unwanted attention of kids to play/tamper with it
Novelty of design:
The device is special as it allows the user to not only monitor but control the consumption of electricity too. And to take control to a whole different level, the device enables the control of consumption as a function of money/currency desired to be spent!